In the 1970s we changed our name from the Shirley BP Guild Pipe Band to Shirley Pipe Band. We gained our appetite for overseas trips with a series of bookings in Auxerre in France and Soiron in Belgium.
| May 1979 Lighthall School, Solihull Back Row: Chris Hughes, John Dalman, Dave Mellor, Jon Hughes, Andy Hill, Colin Poole, Rick Stewart, Ron Jervis Middle Row: Neville Cross, Richard Court, Mike Hope, Neil Collins, Martin Hope, Steve Thomas, Albert Hope, John Hill Front Row: Chris Jervis, Ron Whelan, Andy Cross, Steve Catch, John Fear, Pete Taylor, Tony Fitzpatrick 132Kb - Names also shown when photo viewed
| August 1979. Soiron, Belgium Amon Prosper - local band with our friend the drummer, Adolphe Parotte 200Kb
| August 1979. Soiron, Belgium Playing in the Stables / Wine Bar: Chris Hughes 181Kb
| August 1979. Soiron, Belgium Playing in the Stables / Wine Bar: Andy Hill 177Kb
| August 1979. Soiron, Belgium Playing in the Stables / Wine Bar: Martin Hewins 176Kb
| 1979. Ragley Hall, Worcestershire
| November 1979. Armistice Day Parade, Shirley, Solihull Pipe Major's file: Chris Hughes (turning to signal end of tune), Pete Taylor, John Maybury, ?, Andy Hill Next file: John Dalman, John Henderson Dick, Mike Hope Next file: Rick Stewart, Mike Hope, Robin Lackey, Ron Whelan, Dave Nelson, Martin Hope Next file: Richard Court, Dave Mellor, Chris Jervis 104Kb
| July 1978. Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire Bandsmen, left to right: Richard Court, John Hill, Tony Fitzgerald, Mike (or Albert?) Hope, Ron Whelan, Chris Jervis (?), Neil Collins, Andy Hill, Martin Haines, Dave Mellor, Jim Galeford, Steve Catch (bass), Mick Mason, Chris Hughes, Martin Hope, Steve Thomas, Peter Hope, Robin Lackey-Grant, Neville Cross, John Dalman Dancers: to be confirmed 261Kb
| 1978. Ragley Hall, Worcestershire
| In 1978 we changed our name to Shirley Pipe Band though the B.P. Guild badge was still worn until the first band badge was introduced around 1980. |
| August 1977. Soiron, Belgium Band members, front / middle: Ted Catch, Chris Hughes, Bob Fear, Ron Jervis, Martin Haines, Pete Taylor (glass raised), Martin Hope, Andy Hill (behind), Robin Lackey, John Dalman Background: Neville Cross, John Fear 382Kb
| August 1977. Soiron, Belgium Dancers on steps of chateau: Wendy Fear, Sarah Weston (Clarke), Sarah Dalman 30Kb
| August 1977. Soiron, Belgium Posing with two local maids: Chris Hughes, ?, ?, John Fear 361Kb
| August 1977. Soiron, Belgium Bass Drummer: Jim Galeford 31Kb
| August 1977. Soiron, Belgium Forming up on lawn - Pipers: Dave Mellor, ?, Neville Cross, Dave Alton Drummers: Dave Nelson, Martin Haines, Neil Collins, John Fear, Colin Poole, Andy Hill 72Kb
| August 1977. Peppinster, Belgium Reception in Town Hall: Ted Catch, Chris Hughes, Ron Jervis, Jim Galeford, Dave Alton, John Dalman, Mike Hope, Andy Hill 77Kb - Names also shown when photo viewed
| August 1977. Peppinster, Belgium Reception in Town Hall: Betty Cross, John Fear, Neville Cross (signing), Ted Catch, Jim Galeford, Ron Jervis 317Kb
| June 1977. Auxerre, France Returning home: Colin Poole and his infamous goat & cheese roll (his hosts fed him well) 27Kb
| April 1975. St George's Day, Shirley, Solihull Front Row: Chris Hughes, Roger Catch, (Tenor: Dave Nelson), Mike Hope Flag Bearer: Albert Hope, Drum Major: Ted Catch 38Kb
| April 1974. St George's Day, Solihull Front Row: Chris Hughes, Steve Eccles, Martin Hewins, Robin Lackey Drum Major: Ted Catch 40Kb
| April 1973? St George's Day Parade, Solihull Drum Major: Mick Mason Front Row: Steve Eccles, John Dalman, Martin Hewins, Robin Lackey (obscured) 57Kb
| April 1973? St George's Day Parade, Solihull ?, Lesley Bode (Fear), Andy Cross, Wendy Fear, John Fear, Christine Bennet (Cross), Colin Poole 30Kb
| April 1973? St George's Day Parade, Solihull Drum Major: Mick Mason Front Row: Steve Eccles (obscured), John Dalman (obscured), Martin Hewins, Robin Lackey 58Kb
| 1973? Televised Wrestling, Civic Hall, Solihull Ken Stanley, Twin Wrestler No.1, John Fear, Twin Wrestler No.2 32Kb
| 1973? Televised Wrestling, Civic Hall, Solihull John Fear, Mick Mason, Ken Stanley, Colin Poole 42Kb
| 1973. Stratford-upon-Avon Carnival Mick Mason (Drum Major) Pipe Major's file : Chris Hughes, Albert Hope, Roger Catch, Jon Hughes, ?, Robert (Lofty) Phillips Next file : John Dalman, ?, ?, Steve Catch Next file : Steve Eccles, Neville Cross, John Benney, John Fear Final file : Robin Lackey, ?, Bob Fear, Martin Hewins, ?, Colin Poole 71Kb
| 1973. Stratford-upon-Avon Carnival Front row: Chris Hughes, John Dalman, John Benney, Robin Lackey 87Kb
| 1973. Stratford-upon-Avon Carnival Indistinct 184Kb
| 1973? Venue? Mike Hope, Jon Hughes, Roger Catch, John Dalman, Colin Poole, John Fear, ?, Jim Galeford, ? Dancers, Kneeling: Diane Green, Lesley Bode (Fear), Chris Bennett (Cross), ?, Helen Wheeler (Phillips), ? 30Kb
| 1973? Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire Drum Major: Mick Mason Front Row: Richard Court, John Dalman, Martin Hewins, Tony Fitzgerald 48Kb
| 1973 Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire 86Kb
| 1973 Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire 70Kb
| 1972. Longbridge British Legion, Birmingham Dancer: Wendy Tomlin (Catch), Band: Andy Cross, Steve Eccles, Chris Hughes, Steve Catch 355Kb
| 1971. Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire Bob Fear, Malcolm Bates, Andrew Jones-Murrell, Paul Thomas 190Kb
| 1970. Stratford Road, Shirley Neville Cross, Alan Smith, Dave Frankton, Malcolm Bates 29Kb
| 1970. Solihull Road, Shirley Andy Cross, Robert Phillips, Alan Smith, Paul Thomas, Jon Hughes, Dave Mellor, Colin Poole (obscured), Nigel Lackey, Chris Hughes, Roger Catch, Albert Hope, Derek Green, Steve Eccles, Bill Baird 387Kb
| 1970. Sharmans Cross Senior School for Boys, Shirley Sue ?,Steve Catch, Andy Cross, Helen Wheeler (Phillips), Derek Green, Angela Stych (Evans), Chris Hughes, Andy Cross, Wendy Tomlin (Catch) 101Kb