Shirley Pipe Band

Photographic Gallery from the 1960s

During the 1960s we evolved from a Drum and Bugle Band to a Pipe Band, the uniform starting as traditional Scout uniforms, to which we added kilts, sporrans, spats, tunics etc as funds permitted until we reached the basis of the No1 uniform we wear to this day. Near the end of the decade we were augmented by a Highland Dancing team formed mainly from the girlfriends of band members.

Click on a thumbnail photograph to see a larger version. Names are listed left to right unless stated. Where it states "Names also shown when photo viewed", positioning the mouse over a face in the expanded photo will display the name, depending on browser support.

May 1969. Birmingham
Drum Major: Mick Mason

May 1969. Sutton Park, Warwickshire
Len Ted, Neville Cross (Founder), Ken Fear (Secretary), Mick Mason (Drum Major), Alan Smith

July 1969. Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire
Back Row: Mick Mason, ?, Robert (Lofty) Phillips, John Hill, Ron Wheeler, Roger Catch, Nigel Handy, Jon Hughes, Dave Mellor, John Dalman, Neville Cross, Dave Frankton, Albert Hope, Harold Ricketts, Andy Cross, Chris Hughes, Paul Thomas, Colin Poole, Steve Catch, Nigel Handy, ?, Mike Hope, John Fear, Alan Smith, Bill Baird
Front Row: Robin Lackey, Dancers: Carole Brereton (Coppock), Margaret Frankton (Mellor), Helen Wheeler (Phillips), Diane Green, Christine Bennett (Cross), Lesley Bode (Fear), Wendy Tomlin (Catch), then Bob Fear

July 1969. Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire
Dancers: Margaret Frankton (Mellor), Wendy Tomlin (Catch), Carole Brereton (Coppock), Helen Wheeler (Phillips), Christine Bennett (Cross), Diane Green, Sue ?, Lesley Bode (Fear)

1969? Maudslay Motors, Alcester, Warwickshire
Bill Baird, Mick Mason (Drum Major), Jon Hughes, Martin Hewins, ?, ?, Chris Hughes, ?, Nigel Handy, Albert Hope, Dave Frater

1969? Venue?
Drum Major: Mick Mason

1969 Opening of 1st Shirley Scout Headquarters
Left to right: Dave Frater, Derek Green, Albert Hope, Robin Lackey, Chris Hughes, Bob Fear, Alan Smith, Nigel Handy, Robert (Lofty) Phillips, Bill Baird, Ron Wheeler, Neville Cross

1969 Opening of 1st Shirley Scout Headquarters
Drummers: Harold Ricketts (Bass), Andy Cross, Dave Frankton, Paul Thomas, Malcolm Bates, John Fear, Ken Fear (Secretary)

1968? Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire
Drum Major: Mick Mason
Front Row: John Dalman, Dave Mellor, Chris Hughes, Bill Baird

31st December 1968. Civic Hall, Solihull
Derek Green, Drum Major: Mick Mason
Next File: Harold Ricketts (Bass), Martin Hewins, Albert Hope, Dave Mellor
Next File: Steve Catch, Bob Fear, Ron Wheeler

1968? Shirley, Solihull
Drum Major Mick Mason serves tea to the Mayor of Solihull and guests. Pipe Major Dave Frater and Olive are watching in the background.

May 1968. Birmingham
Robert Phillips, Andrew Jones-Murrell, Paul Thomas, Cyril Handy, John Fear, Harold Ricketts (Bass), Dave Frankton (behind Bass), Malcolm Bates, Barry Evans.

1968? Solihull Road, Shirley
Chris Hughes, Derek Green, Bill Baird,Jon Hughes, Nigel Handy, Steve Eccles, Alan Smith, ?, Albert Hope, ?, Neville Cross, Andy Cross, Steve Catch, Paul Thomas, Colin Poole

1967. Greenwood Camp, Packington Park, Warwickshire
Back Row: Bill Baird, John Fear, Dave Frater, Harold Ricketts, Derek Green, Chris Hughes, Keith Bayliss, Neville Cross, Steve Catch, Albert Hope, Cyril Handy, Jon Hughes, Dave Mellor, Barry Evans, Andy Cross, Mick Mason
Centre: Nigel Handy, Robin Lackey, Ken Fear, Mike Hope
Kneeling: Bob Fear, Paul Thomas
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August 1967. Greenwood Camp, Packington Park, Warwickshire
Drum Major: Mick Mason Pipe Major: Dave Frater, then Derek Green, Albert Hope, Chris Hughes, Jon Hughes, Bob Fear, Bill Baird, Dave Mellor, ?, Ron Wheeler, Harold Ricketts (Bass), ?, Neville Cross, Steve Catch, ?

August 1967. Greenwood Camp, Packington Park, Warwickshire
Pipe Major: Dave Frater, then ?, ?, Jon Hughes, ?, Albert Hope, Derek Green
Next File: ?, Harold Ricketts (Bass) Keith Bayliss, Dave Mellor, Mike Hope, Bob Fear, Chris Hughes, Drum Major: Mick Mason
Final File: John Fear, ?, Neville Cross, Nigel Handy, Ron Wheeler, Bill Baird

August 1967? Greenwood Camp?, Packington Park, Warwickshire
Nigel Handy, Bob Fear, Neville Cross, Albert Hope, Dave Mellor, Cyril Handy, Phil Bayliss, Mike Hope (Scout shirt), Jon Hughes, Keith Bayliss, Barry Evans

February 1967. Shirley Park, Solihull
Neville Cross, John Fear, Phil Bayliss, Andy Cross, Keith Bayliss, Paul Thomas (Scout shirt), ?, Steve Catch, Nigel Handy (Scout shirt), Harold Ricketts, Jon Hughes, Ken Fear (kneeling, Secretary), Robin Lackey (Scout shirt), Mick Mason, Dave Mellor, Mike Hope (Scout shirt), Andrew Jones-Murrell, Chris Hughes, Bob Fear (Scout shirt), Derek Green, Ron Wheeler, Harold Ricketts?, Malcolm Bates, Dave Frater

February 1967. Shirley Park, Solihull
Bob Fear, Nigel Handy, Robin Lackey, Mike Hope, Paul Thomas

Andy Cross

1966. Greswolde Arms, Knowle, Solihull
Standing: Derek Green, Chris Hughes, Dave Frater (Pipe Major), Bill Baird
Kneeling: Graham Ricketts, Andy Cross

1966. Greswolde Arms, Knowle, Solihull
Pipe Major: Dave Frater

1966. Cubs' Parade, Solihull
Andrew Cross, Malcolm Bates, Keith Bayliss, Phil Bayliss, John Fear, Harold Ricketts (Bass), Derek Green, Steve Catch, Ron Wheeler, Jon Hughes, Graham Ricketts, Bill Baird, Bob Fear, Neville Cross, Chris Hughes, Dave Mellor, Dave Frater, Mick Mason (Drum Major)

1966. Armistice Day Parade, Shirley, Solihull
Mick Mason (Drum Major), Dave Frater, Dave Mellor, Chris Hughes, Bob Fear, Jon Hughes, Bill Baird

1966. Armistice Day Parade, Shirley, Solihull
Andy Cross, Keith Bayliss, Graham Ricketts, John Fear, Harold Ricketts (Bass), Derek Green, Andrew Jones-Murrell, Dave Frater, ?, Jon Hughes, Steve Catch, Mick Mason (Drum Major), Neville Cross, Ron Wheeler, Bill Baird

When we progressed from Scout shirts and neckerchieves to wearing tunics we became known as the 1st Shirley B.P. Scout Guild Pipe Band, retaining that name until 1978.
April 1966. St. George's Day Parade, Alcester, Warwickshire
Last known photograph before tunics
Pipers: Ron Wheeler, Dave Frater, Derek Green, Chris Hughes, Neville Cross, Bill Baird
Drummers: Graham Ricketts, Phil Bayliss, Andy Cross, Harold Ricketts (Bass), Steve Catch, Dave Mellor, John Fear

May 1965. Royal British Legion Parade, Dorridge, Solihull
Bill Baird, Joe Thomas, Graham Sandford, Mike MacMillan (Drum Major), Chris Hughes, Dave Frater

June 1965. Royal British Legion Parade, Dorridge, Solihull
Andy Cross, Derek Green, Ron Wheeler, ?, ?, ?, Neville Cross, Mick Mason (Drum Major), Chris Hughes, Dave Frater, ?

1965. Armistice Day Parade, Shirley, Solihull
Andy Cross, Dave Mellor, ?, Keith Bayliss, Neville Cross, Harold Ricketts (Bass), Dave Frater, Ron Wheeler, (Pat Lane), Steve Catch, Chris Hughes, ?, Bill Baird, Mick Mason (Drum Major)

1965. Dowding & Plummer Dinner & Dance, Greswolde Arms Hotel, Knowle, Solihull
Standing: Phil Bayliss, Harold Ricketts, Derek Green, Chris Hughes, Keith Bayliss, Mick Mason, Dave Frater, Neville Cross, Graham Ricketts, Ken Fear, Bill Baird
Kneeling: John Fear, Steve Catch, Dave Mellor, Andy Cross, Ron Wheeler
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1965. New Year's Eve Dance, Rover Cars, Solihull
Neville Cross, Dave Frater, Keith Bayliss, Dave Mellor, Ron Wheeler, Steve Catch, Chris Hughes

1965. Armistice Day Parade, Shirley
Drum Major:Mick Mason Pipers:Dave Frater, Chris Hughes, Bill Baird, Neville Cross, Ron Wheeler, Joe Thomas, Drummers: Derek Green (obscured), Keith Bayliss (obscured), Harold Ricketts (bass), Steve Catch, Paul Thomas?, Andrew Jones-Murrell, Dave Mellor, John Fear

April 1964. St George's Day Parade, Solihull
Our first three pipers: Bill Baird, Ron Wheeler, John Benney
Buglers: Chris Brown, Neville Cross
Tenors:John Fox, Derek Green

1964. Reynolds Tubes
Standing: Ron Wheeler, Paul Arnold, Bill Baird, Chris Hughes, Dave Mellor, Mick Mason. Robert Shorthouse, Andy Cross, Mike MacMillan, Keith Bayliss, Dave Frater, Joe Thomas, Neville Cross
Kneeling: Steve Catch, S Moles, Derek Green
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1964. Reynolds Tubes
Standing: Ron Wheeler, Paul Arnold, Bill Baird, Chris Hughes, Dave Mellor, Mick Mason. Robert Shorthouse, Mike MacMillan, Andy Cross, Keith Bayliss, Dave Frater, Joe Thomas, Neville Cross
Kneeling: Steve Catch, S Moles, Derek Green

1964. Group Show, Shirley Institute
Front row: Dave Sheldon, Grahame Mellor, Malcolm Bates, Dave Mellor, Keith Bayliss,
Back row: Phil Ricks, Neville Cross (to rear, with cymbols), Bob Shorthouse, Andy Cross

In the early 1960s, some parades were still undertaken without pipers as the original 1st Shirley Scouts Drum and Bugle Band
April 1963. St. George's Day Parade, Solihull
Unknown x 4, John Fear, Dave Sheldon, Keith Bayliss, (extreme right: John Bradford, Ray Taylor)

April 1963. St. George's Day Parade, Solihull
Unknown, Jon Hughes, Unknown, Phil Bayliss, Keith Bayliss

1963. Solihull Carnival
First known photograph with pipers: Bill Baird on extreme left

In 1962 Neville Cross, the leader of 1st Shirley Scouts Drum and Bugle Band decided to introduce Bagpipes, so lessons began behind the scenes....
Neville Cross
Founder of Shirley Pipe Band

April 1962. St. George's Day Parade, Solihull
Unknown, Jon Hughes, Unknown x 3, Paul Arnold

April 1962. St. George's Day Parade, Solihull
Unknown, Grahame Mellor, Paul Arnold?, Bob Shorthouse?, ?, Graham Sandford (bass), Chris Brown?

Before 1962, 1st Shirley Scouts Drum and Bugle Band had a successful existence, little knowing what was in store....
1961. Atherstone Fete
Andy Cross, Steve Catch, Keith Bayliss?, Neville Cross (behind), Jon Hughes, Derek Green or Colin Bullock?, Bernard 'Bernie' Berry, Paul Arnold, Pat Lane (behind)?, John 'Bushy' Clark, Derek Green or Colin Bullock?, Phil Bayliss?, John Fear, David Carrington (behind), Dave Sheldon?
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1960. Solihull Carnival


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